Desktop Textures Volume Two includes 17 new textures which it can install in your system as the desktop pattern. Unlike other programs of this type, it does not require an Extension or Control Panel to be placed in the System Folder. We've tried to include smooth desktop "textures" which are suitable for long-term use, and keep distracting, "busy" patterns to a minimum. Our textures can add considerably to the perception of depth on your desktop. There are even a couple which can be viewed (Stare-E-O style) as true three-dimensional patterns.
Installing a texture with this program is much like using the General Control Panel, and you can revert at any time to the normal 8-by-8 patterns.
In addition to the ability to install the many textures included in this package, the Desktop Textures Installer version 2.0 provides facilities to help create textures. Once you have created a texture in a drawing, painting, rendering, or other graphics program, just copy it and paste it into the Desktop Textures Installer! You can also store collections of textures in separate texture files for easy organization.
The program runs under System 6 or System 7. Because of its intrinsic color nature, it requires Color QuickDraw, and pasting will be disabled if your system does not implement GWorlds. (Systems 6.0.5 and greater implement GWorlds.) Many features are considerably enhanced if System 7 is present.
The first several textures were created by Geoff with several programs and considerable hand-editing. They are:
Grey Lumpy Table Cloth
Sandy Ridges
Water Waves
Grey Sea Floor
Sheets of Pink Flame
Medium Slate
The rest of the textures were created by Steve, using an impressive barrage of programs and more hand editing than I care to think about often. They are:
Dark Fiery Rings
Tiger Static
Edge of the Deep Green Sea
Edge of the Deep Green Sea 2
Purple Haze Maze
Mazes in the Mist
Ghostly Maze
Rolling Blue Waves Stare-E-O
Purple Zag War Stare-E-O
Look for Volume III, including even more exciting textures!
The following four files are included in this distribution set, and should always be distributed together:
Desktop Textures 2.0
Textures Volume I
Textures Volume II
Desktop Textures README
This program is Shareware with a twist -- you are not required to send in any money! We just hope you will anyway. No guilt trips. No annihilating of all your copies within 30 days. If you like our program and our textures and would like to reward us, you may. For this purpose, we have included both of our addresses in the About box. We will share anything you send to one of us (if possible -- it would be difficult to share a postcard, for example, but we accept them happily nonetheless). One last note - we are but poor, humble college students and would love to receive any sort of financial compensation for all our time and effort. : )
You may and we encourage you to distribute this product as long as you do not charge anything beyond the cost of the media. Please include the entire and unmodified distribution set, including the README file and the texture resource files. If you wish to include this product in any software collection (including Shareware or User's Group collections), obtain our permission first. Geoff Adams and Stephen Krauth reserve all legal rights to this software and the included resources and offer no warranty of any kind.